f Nik's room: settembre 2008
  • Carola Alt - Carola Rackete querela Salvini. Vuole provare a salvare anche noi. La comandante della Sea Watch chiede la chiusura dei social di Salvini. Ditele che se la...

29 settembre 2008

27 settembre 2008

No more facebook

I've tried Facebook for a long time, but now it's time to say Good bye Facebook.
Probably the idea is good, but people use it just to add crap. I'm sure someone can enjoy this service, but in my opinion is only a waste of time, becuase is completly useless. Moreover I have some doubts it can intrude on my privacy.

22 settembre 2008

A jump in Australia

If we want to enjoy our life,
sometimes we should do something crazy.

09 settembre 2008

It was a pleasure to meet you

Will the world end September 10th? Nobody know what will happen.

04 settembre 2008

"Democratics or Republicans?"

Since Obama and McCain are almost the same thing, I would vote for Nader if I voded in the US.

01 settembre 2008
