Carola Alt
Carola Rackete querela Salvini. Vuole provare a salvare anche noi. La
comandante della Sea Watch chiede la chiusura dei social di Salvini. Ditele
che se la...
29 ottobre 2010
10 ottobre 2010
10/10/10 day, what will happen?
Most predictions and opinions concerning 10/10/10 are based on or are rooted in its mathematical uniqueness as a number.
101010: There are three possible outcomes:
- Something good happens— There is absolutely no scientific basis for this belief. There are no known logical premises for this belief. The belief that something good will happen is based solely on spiritualism, faith, and/or innate optimism. This belief is not necessarily a bad thing; we don’t know everything; the probability is not zero.
- Nothing happens— This is the most likely scenario. Just because an unusual date number sequence occurs doesn’t mean that something will happen. Usually it’s a non-event.
- Something bad happens— There is absolutely no scientific basis for this belief. There are no known logical premises for this belief. The belief that something bad will happen is based solely on pessimism of reality. This belief is not necessarily false; after all, things are generally/usually a mess. The probability is not zero.
17 giugno 2010
La fortuna di essere ancora ventenni...
by PV
Even if it's long time I don't write any post here, I'm alive and I'm in great form indeed I'm not over 30 yet...
10 febbraio 2010
Information on 2010
If asked to choose between a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.But I should mean that every man should receive those papers, and be capable of reading them.Thomas Jefferson (13 April 1743 – 4 July 1826), the third president of the United States - 16 January 1787
08 febbraio 2010
06 febbraio 2010
18 gennaio 2010
First it was a dream
You got to have a dream,
if you don't have a dream,
how you gonna have a dream come true?
Song Happy Talk
01 gennaio 2010
The universe is wider than our views of it
I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way.Prof. Keating - Dead Poets Society
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