f Nik's room: 10,000 days
  • L’ultima cera [parte terza] - Funerali di Berlusconi, presente anche Mattarella. Non si fidava. Mattarella è apparso scuro in volto. Sperava ci fosse anche stavolta Benigni. (Ma anche q...

02 novembre 2008

10,000 days

Today I'm 10,000 days old. I'm ready to jump into the second third part of my life. Time to be child is over, maybe now I should be a little man.
I don't know what to expect, what I'll do and where I'll be. Only time will tell. At the same time I'm sure I can share my future with someone special.

4 commenti:

jani ha detto...

A wonderful picture!! : )

Simona ha detto...

Future ... remember: "Luck is truly where preparation meets opportunity".
Sure, Professor Randy Paush was right.

Unknown ha detto...

I hope to be quick enough to take the good opportunities.

Simona ha detto...

Never too late! Grandma. :-))
